Friday 11 September 2015

Poem - Blackout

You may think I’m going nuts,
But I’m starting to enjoy these power cuts!

The silence, like a hunter on the prowl,
Magnifies the screeching of the owl,
A soft breeze touches my cheek and whispers in my ear
Or was it the beat of a bat’s wings as it flew too near?

In the darkness, the infinite heavens play host
To twinkling stars and white vapour ghosts
Moonlight silhouettes, shadows and shapes,
Candle light glow, warm against the drapes.

The weight of my thoughts seem heavier somehow
With this blanket of darkness wrapped around me now.
I softly strum my guitar, but the silence makes it loud
I’m humming to myself, feels like I’m singing to a crowd.

Suddenly a glare of light invades my senses,
The buzz of technology, too strong for my defences,
All too soon the stillness is gone..
How I wish it could’ve stayed until dawn.