Friday, 17 November 2023

A Tribute to Dad


It wouldn't be right to say "Goodbye" to Daddy without paying tribute to the wonderful man he was. If Daddy could have seen how many loved ones came to bid him adieu, he would know how loved he was, and still is. 

Daddy was the BEST Father in the world! He's the only man I know whose nieces and nephews also fondly called him "Dad". To him, there was nothing more important than his family. He loved us, and nurtured us, and worked tirelessly to give us a good life and good values. He taught us well, and he always led by example. Many of our family and friends have also said he was a great role model to them. He was a true gentleman, a man's man, and he carried himself with grace and dignity. He had strong ethics, both in his professional life and in his personal life, and he was loved and respected for it. He was kind and hospitable to everyone who visited our home, and nothing gave him more pleasure than eating a hearty meal and enjoying a "wee drop" (as he called it) with his friends and family around the table. 

He was a loyal and dedicated husband to mum, and they are a shining example of what marriage and commitment truly means, having spent 62 wonderful years together. Mum recently had a stroke, and could not care for Dad the way she used to. Dad watched in silence as mum struggled to learn to walk again, and regain her balance. It must have broken his heart to see her that way, because he wrote on her birthday gift just weeks before he passed away, "Missing you..".

As his children, Chris and I enjoyed his unconditional love and attention, and I will never forget our Sunday bicycle rides to see the trains with Dad singing, "Put on your bonnet, your cape and your glove, and come with me..." (I always wore a sun hat on our rides). We had many adventures with him in the garden, growing and harvesting different fruits and vegetables. Everything I know about gardening, I learnt from him. He took great pride in his garden, and could often be seen pottering around in the mornings, well into his retirement years. 

Daddy travelled a lot for work, but there was always so much joy when he returned home after his tours. He loved his home. He built it with so much love and care, and made it such a warm and safe place for us to grow up in. Even after I left home, I always knew I had a place to return to. I can never forget the picture of him waiting anxiously on the platform for my train to arrive, or the sadness in his eyes when my trained pulled out of the station and I had to go back. He was never late, and he was always there, until his health didn't permit him to come to the station anymore. Daddy didn't express his emotions much in words, but you could see how much he felt for us. He was very protective of his family, and I believe he's still watching over us now.

We are blessed to have had him as our Father, and our children are blessed to have known their Grandfather. Joshua and Leah will continue his Legacy now.

And so Daddy, it is with heavy hearts we say Goodbye to you, but I hope and pray one day we'll meet again, and I'll come running into your arms the way I did when I was a little girl.

 "Go rest high on that mountain, Dad your work on earth is done
Go to heaven a-shouting, Love for the Father and the Son." 
~ Vince Gill